Since 1983 the President’s Council on Fitness designated the month of May as Physical Fitness and Sports Month to promote healthy lifestyle among Americans and improve quality of life. During this month people are finding at least 60 minutes per day for kids and 30 minutes per day for adults to do some type of physically activity.
Below are some activities to do with family, friends, or even by yourself. Make it a priority to do some type of physical activity everyday during the reminder of the month of May.

Plank Challenge–Participate with your family and see if you can hold a plank for an entire commercial break or spend the breaks running in place for a quick and fun family workout.
Olympic Style Event– Compete with your family/friends in a olympic style event. Create stations that have different activities. For example fastest sprint, longest jump, throwing at targets, etc.
Throw and Go- Set up a start and finish line. Each person has a ball. Players will chest-pass their ball forward and then immediately run to the ball, pick it up, and throw again. The first person to get their ball over the finish line wins! (Based on strength use heavier balls to challenge yourself)
Hoarder- Put all players in a circle and a bucket of balls or socks in the middle. To begin the game each player must perform a certain exercise (ex. 10 squats) after they complete the exercise they will run to the middle a grab a ball/sock. Repeat the exercise for the whole game. The object is to hoard as many balls/socks until time runs up.
- Cardio exercise at least 5 times per week for about 30 minutes moderate intensity
- Strength exercise at least 2 times per week
- Stretching/Mobility at least 3 times per week
- Run/Walk/Bike track your miles every time.
- Follow an online group fitness class at least twice per week (Yoga, Strength, HIIT)
- Use a workout card on mail-chimp at least twice per week to get strength or cardio training.
- Make it fun. Play games/challenges that require exercise.
-Olivia Callan
CFW Health Fitness Specialist