We all miss squat racks, bench presses, dumbbells, cable machines, weight machines, etc. Strength training is important for all ages and types of people. There are multiple benefits from strength training. First, it increases your muscle strength which helps us in our daily activities. When you get older we lose muscle tissue, so it’s important to continue building your strength. Next, it helps protect bone health and helps keep weight off your body. Lastly, strength training helps boost your energy and improve your mood. These are all just a few benefits that come with strength training, but it’s important to understand all the major benefits that come from this exercise.
Follow these steps below if you are limited with weights, but still want to continue to maintain or build your strength:
- Set a Goal – When you define a goal and direct your training according to that goal, this is what gives meaning to your workouts.

- Start a Training Program
- Follow and participate in strength specific classes
- Incorporate different variations into the workout.
- ex: push-up variations – single arm push-ups, tricep push-ups, staggered/diagonal push-ups, diver-bomb push-ups.
- Include conditioning and muscular endurance exercises (ex. HIIT, low-weight- high repetition)
- Make it fun and switch up the workout. (ex. EMOM- Every Minute on the Minute, AMRP-As Many Reps Possible)

- Nutrition Activity – It’s important to pay attention to what you are eating, because it is extremely easy to snack while working at home. Making and freezing healthier meals is the best way to minimize your grocery store buying. Always make sure you plate is colorful and full of fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Overall when strength training at home, it’s important to shift your goals because gym performance involves more than just your ability to lift maximal weights. Other, trainable adaptations play a role:
- Conditioning and your ability to recover between sets
- Ability to handle training volume (work capacity)
- Muscular endurance
- General health.
-Olivia Callan
Health Fitness Specialist