Plyometric Fun

What is plyometrics? Plyometrics is known as jump training, which contain exercises that muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time. This training is also a fun alternative to a strength training workout that boosts your muscle power, strength, balance and agility. 
Just think, remember when you were a kid and you would jump, skip, hop, and run all over the playground. Plyometrics mimics those type of dynamic movements. 
How can we benefit from Plyometric Training?  
  • Increase Strength of Tendons
  • Burns Calories 
  • Increase Muscular/Power Endurance 
  • Increase Muscular Strength 
  • Decreases Injuries
Examples of Plyometric Exercises 
Box Jumps – In box jump training you work all of your leg muscles and strengthen your core using your own body weight. Box jumps boost your muscular endurance and muscular strength, while also getting some cardiovascular work involved. 

Step Ups – Hit all the major muscle groups in your lower body. The quads bear the brunt of the action but the move works your glutes, hamstrings and calves too. Helps your body burn calories, and trains each leg independently. 

Med Ball Chest Pass – Instead of struggling to do clap push-up try this exercise. Still working the chest and arm muscles, while burning calories and building endurance/strength. 
If you are in good shape and want to ramp up your workouts this is a great way to challenge yourself. It’s important to start slow, and add a couple of plyometric exercises in your workout routine. Since plyometrics is high-impact and intense it’s important to consult with your doctor first if you aren’t active or have any health conditions. 
Make sure you follow along every Wednesday this month where we will be uploading a video demonstrating a new Plyometric move in our new Jump the Hump Program! 

Olivia Callan 
Health Fitness Specialist 
JOHO Fitness

JOHO Fitness

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