Strengthen Your Lower Back

Lower back pain is very common amongst people of all ages. The pain can range from mild to serve and  can impact you everyday lifestyle. If you’ve experienced stiffness, decreased range of motion or difficulty standing straight up then you’ve experienced some form of lower back pain. There are many reason why you might have back pain, but there are ways to strengthen the muscles around your lower back to help avoid pain.

The gluteus maximus is the large muscle of the buttocks. It’s one of the strongest muscles in the body. It’s responsible for movement at the hip, including hip extension activities like squats. Weakness in the gluteus muscles can contribute to back pain. This is because they’re important stabilizers of the hip joints and lower back during movements like walking.

Muscles worked: gluteus maximus

2.Lying Lateral Leg Raises
The hip abductor muscles help to raise your leg to the side, away from your body. They also help support your pelvis when you’re standing on one leg. When these muscles are weak, it can affect your balance and mobility. It can also cause low back pain due to instability.

Muscles worked: gluteus medius

3. Supermans
Your back extensors run along your spine. They help you maintain an upright position, support your spine and pelvic bones, and allow you to arch your back. If this exercise makes your back pain worse, stop doing it until you receive further evaluation. Your doctor may need to rule out more serious causes of your back pain.

Muscles worked: back, buttocks and hips, shoulders

4. Back Extensions
Back extension exercises (sometimes also called hyperextensions) can strengthen lower back muscles. This includes the erector spinae, which supports the lower spine. Back extensions also work the muscles in your butt, hips, and shoulders.

Muscles worked: back, buttocks and hips, shoulders

Always consult with your doctor first to make sure you can start doing back exercises. If back pain increases while doing any of these exercise stop and seek medical attention. Overall, if you are cleared to do these exercises its great to include into your exercise routine to strengthen all the muscles that support your back.

Olivia Callan
Health Fitness Specialist 


JOHO Fitness

JOHO Fitness

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